Getting the robot running without any fuss

Do you want to just get the robot to work? This is the place! This page will show you how to get the GUI going in (hopefully) under 10 minutes. Please note - at the time of writing, the GUI code is not modular. This means it will currently not work for any robot you turn on without some tweaking. If you do need help, please come find Angus Finch, a senior member of the robotics club or Mr. Nolan/Felix.


First things first, you must be using an linux laptop.

Next, open Terminal by typing terminal into the search bar.

Next make sure you have installed NodeJS and NPM:

node -v && npm -v

Note if this command returns something like:

Command 'node' not found, but can be installed with:

sudo apt install nodejs

You may install it using:

sudo apt install nodejs

From there, we are able to install the RoboHUD project (make sure that you are in the directory you want to work in):

git clone

CD into the directory so we are in the right place:

cd RoboHUD/

Install all of the required packages with the following (this will install in the top directory and install in the server directory):

npm install && cd Server/ && npm install && cd ..

Getting the code on the Pi

Now this is a tricky set of commands, but it is very useful to transfer files to the robot without any internet on the robot. Change to the robot’s wireless network, it should look something like KingsLegacy Open a new terminal window and SSH into the Pi:

ssh pi@

Check if there is an existing GUI folder in ~/:

ls | grep "GUI"

If there is no output from that command, run the following:

mkdir GUI

From there, you can CD into the GUI directory:

cd GUI

There is a very neat tool called scp, which uses the SSH technology to copy files across devices. Try using the following in the original terminal you opened:

scp -r Server/ pi@

Starting up

Go back to the SSH terminal and type in ls to make sure the files have been copied across. There should be a Server/ folder with some files in it.

Once again, use cd Server/ to go into the project directory.

Use the command node server.js to start the compatability server

Return to the original terminal and run npm start. The GUI should start, with the only thing left do do being the addition of a controller!